Aktuell benötigen folgende Kinder Ihre Hilfe in Form einer Patenschaft. Wenn Sie eines dieser Kinder konkret unterstützen möchten, nennen Sie uns bitte seinen Namen in dem Kontaktformular oder in der Einzugsermächtigung.
His house is a two-story house, 2 bedrooms. The location of the house in the garden. It's grandma's house and haue a relative's house close to each other.
He is healthy. He want to be an accountant.
He lives with his mother and sister. His father passed away with stomach’s problem. His mother is a labourer. Her income is not stable and does not enough to support the family. They live in a wooden rented house with three other relatives. Living conditions are very poor.
His mother has no more money for the children to study. The school did not charge for the tuition. He wants to study as high as he can. So he needs help in the scholarship for his school.
He lives with his mother and brother and their grandparents. His father separated and has a new family without any responsibility of the children. His mother is a labourer in a local food shop. Her income is not stable and does not enough to support the family. She was in debt every month. They live in a wooden house at a church’s rented land. Living conditions are poor.
His mother has no more money for the children to study. The school did not charge for the tuition. He wants to study as high as he can. So he needs help in the scholarship for his school.
He lives with her parents and his brothers. His parents are working as laborers. Their income are not enough to support the family. They are in debt and have to pay for the interest. They live in a wooden house.
They have no more money for the children to study in the future. But he wants to study as high as he can. So he needs help in the scholarship for his school.
He lives with his mother and brother and their grandparents. His father separated and has a new family without any responsibility of the children. His mother is a labourer in a local food shop. Her income is not stable and does not enough to support the family. She was in debt every month. They live in a wooden house at a church’s rented land. Living conditions are poor.
His mother has no more money for the children to study. The school did not charge for the tuition. He wants to study as high as he can. So he needs help in the scholarship for his school.
Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig
Sie erhalten zunächst ein Foto und einen Bericht über die Lebensumstände Ihres Patenkindes. Später bekommen Sie etwa einmal im Jahr eine persönliche Nachricht von Ihrem Patenkind mit Informationen über seinen Alltag und darüber, wie sich sein Leben entwickelt hat.
Was kostet eine Patenschaft für ein Kind?
Mit einem Betrag von 15 Euro im Monat helfen Sie, die Schul- und Berufsausbildung eines Kindes zu sichern. Wir freuen uns aber auch über jeden anderen Betrag. Ihre Patenschaft über Eltern für Kinder e.V. ist steuerlich absetzbar. Sie erhalten daher für Ihre Patenschaft von Eltern für Kinder e.V. eine Spendenbescheinigung. Diese wird Ihnen automatisch im Februar des Folgejahres zugeschickt.
Ja ich will Pate werden
Füllen Sie einfach die Einzugsermächtigung handschriftlich oder mit MS-Word aus und schicken Sie sie bitte an die aufgedruckte Anschrift.
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Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Mit dem folgenden Kontaktformular können Sie uns Ihre Wünsche mitteilen. Wenn Sie sich schon entschieden haben, reicht auch die Zusendung der Einzugsermächtigung. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe!